This web page provides a full description of the instances and the results introduced in:

Amine Oussama, Jean-Philippe Gayon, Philippe Lacomme. Job-Shop Scheduling with Cooperative Transportation Resources. ROADEF 2025-26ème congrès de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, Paris, France, February 26-28 2025. (Submitting article)

Acknowledgements: We used the instances of (Ümit Bilge and Gündüz Ulusoy, 1995) for the classical JSPT to create new instances for the JSPT-C.

Dowload Instances and Results:

    JSPT instances (Bilge and Ulusoy, 1995):

    JSPT-C instances:

These instances are adapted from (Bilge and Ulusoy, 1995) instances for the classical JSPT. Each JSPT-C instance, denoted as EX<Jobset><Layout>C<NR>, represents the original instance EX<Jobset><Layout> from (Bilge and Ulusoy, 1995) extended with cooperation constraints, where <NR> indicates the number of robots (Possible values are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 10). For example, the instance EX11C3 represents an instance with Jobset 1 and Layout 1 with 3 robots and cooperation constraints.

Each instance folder contains the:

  • Instance file:EX<Jobset><Layout>C<NR>.txt, which represents the original instance EX<Jobset><Layout> extended with cooperation requirements, where <NR> indicates the number of robots (Possible values are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 10). For example, the instance EX11C3 represents an instance with Jobset 1 and Layout 1 with 3 robots and cooperation requirements.
  • MILP (CPLEX) results:EX<Jobset><Layout>C<NR>_Cplex.txt.
  • GRASP-ELS results for multiple runs:EX<Jobset><Layout>C<NR>_GraspEls_Run_x.txt, where x is the run number.

Instance files format:

Refer to the picture below for an example of the instance file EX11C3.txt

Sample Image

MILP (CPLEX) solution file format:

Refer to the picture below for an example of the MILP solution for the instance EX11C3

Sample Image

GRASPxELS metaheuristic solution file format:

Refer to the picture below for an example of the result of the first execution of GRASPxELS for the instance EX11C3

Sample Image